Cartosat-2B Launch Date : 12.07.2010
CARTOSAT - 2B is the seventeenth satellite in the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite series (IRS). CARTOSAT-2B carries a Panchromatic camera (PAN) similar to those of its predecessors - CARTOSAT-2 and 2A. It is capable of imaging a swath (geographical strip) of 9.6 km with a resolution of better than 1 metre. The scene specific spot imagery sent by CARTOSAT-2B's PAN will be useful for cartographic and a host of other applications. The highly agile CARTOSAT-2B is steerable up to ± 26o along as well as across track to obtain stereoscopic imagery and achieve a four to five day revisit capability.
Mission | Remote Sensing |
Weight | 694 kg (Mass at lift off) |
Onboard Orbit | 930 Watts |
Stabilization | 3 – axis body stabilised based on inputs from star sensors and gyros using Reaction wheels, Magnetic Torquers and Hydrazine Thrusters |
Payloads | Panchromatic Camera |
Launch date | July 12, 2010 |
Launch site | SHAR Centre Sriharikota India |
Launch vehicle | PSLV- C15 |
Orbit | 630 kms, Polar Sun Synchronous |
Inclination | 97.71º |
For More : http://www.isro.org/satellites/cartosat-2b.aspx