The NRSC Data Centre (NDC) is address to the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) Data Archive and is the satellite data users’ interface with NRSC. NDC provides data and data related services to the Indian and International users and as well as data from foreign satellites, to the Indian users. Data from the IRS, Cart sat and Ocean sat series of satellites across a wide spectrum of resolution from 1m to 4km swath are supplied to about 2000 users in the country. The Indian clientele belong to various categories like:
* User Ministries/Departments of the Central Government
* Remote Sensing Agencies in State Governments and Union Territories
* Quasi Government Organizations’, NGOs and the private sector for developmental purposes through satellite imaging.
* Educational institutions in promotion of research and development in space science and technology.
International data propagation is channeled through ANTRIX Corporation Ltd. resellers and distributors and the international ground stations.
NDC have end to end responsibilities right from generating a customer query and response to a query, receipt of order, determining feasibilities, generation of technical proposal, financial proposal, screening of the archived data, attainment of the data by collection planning ,generation and delivery .It is also a repository of data ordering tools like order forms , price lists , digital referencing maps , handbooks , leaflets and in-house publications and these are also available as e-copies in the NRSC website.
Today, NDC has reached a stage where the 'Product Turnaround Time' has improved from one month to few days to few hours of attainment and around 50,000 products are supplied annually. This was achievable due to technological advancements in data processing, data handling, data transfer through the net in close to real time and electronic delivery.