Education and training in space science and technology is an important part of the Indian Space Programme. Following are the major efforts by Department of Space (DOS) towards Human Resources Development in the part of space science and technology:
Towards capacity building, DOS has established an Institute, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) to meet the upward demands of the Indian Space Programme. The institute offers, Bachelors degree in Space Technology with specialization in Avionics, Aerospace Engineering and Physical Sciences.
The Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) under National Remote Sensing Centre, is a premier training and educational institute set up for developing trained professional in the field of Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics and GPS Technology for Natural Resources and Disaster Management. IIRS has trained thousands of scientists / engineers from India and hundreds of foreign students from various countries of Asia and Africa.
In the wake of the need for regional self-reliance and self-sustenance in Space science and technology CSSTEAP Dehradun, came into existence under affiliation to the United Nations in India supported by DOS during 1995.
Apart from these, National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) supports conduct of multi-theme and multi-level training program me / awareness workshops by training personnel from different line departments, selected State Remote Sensing Application Centers and ISRO / DOS Centers. About 350 professionals / University faculty members / School teachers and students are being trained once a year.
Towards, Long-term collaboration for Human Resources Development in the area of Remote Sensing and GIS on a regular basis, NNRMS has made arrangements with (i) Geological Survey of India training Institute, Hyderabad, (ii) National Water Academy, CWC, Pune, (iii) National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land use Planning, ICAR, Nagpur. These institutions commonly conduct training programe for the profit of in-service professionals as well as researchers.
Realizing the importance of Space technology, many Universities / Educational Institutions have started offering educational programmes in remote sensing & GIS / Geoinformatics, abiding the curricula standardized by NNRMS.