EDUSAT Launch Date 20.09.2004
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GSAT-3, known as EDUSAT is meant for distant class room education from school level to higher education. This is the first dedicated "Educational Satellite" that provide the country with satellite based two way communication to class room for delivering educational materials.
This is a Geo-synchronous satellite developed on I-2K bus. GSAT-3 is co-located with METSAT(KALPANA-1) and INSAT-3C at 74o E longitude.
This is a Geo-synchronous satellite developed on I-2K bus. GSAT-3 is co-located with METSAT(KALPANA-1) and INSAT-3C at 74o E longitude.
Mission | Education |
Spacecraft Mass | 1950.5 Kg mass (at Lift - off) 819.4 Kg (Dry mass) |
Onboard power | Total four solar panel of size 2.54 M x 1.525 M generating 2040 W (EOL), two 24 AH NiCd batteries for eclipse support |
Stabilization | 3 axis body stabilised in orbit using sensors, momentum and reaction wheels, magnetic torquers and eight 10 N & 22N reaction control thrusters. |
Propulsion | 440 N Liquid Apogee Motor with MON - 3 and MMH for orbit raising |
Payload |
Launch date | September 20, 2004 |
Launch site | SHAR, Sriharikota, India |
Launch vehicle | GSLV-F01 |
Orbit | Geostationary (74oE longitude) |
Mission Life | 7 Years (minimum) |
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